
CSMR 2012
Call for Submissions
CSMR 2011 will feature up to 10 technical research paper sessions, full-day and half-day workshops, half day tutorials, an industry paper track, a tool demonstration track, a doctoral symposium and a special track on European research projects within the field of software evolution. What is new this year is the addition of an industrial forum, enabling companies to present their technologies (tools, methodologies, services) as well as success stories in software maintenance and reengineering. The goal of this forum is to promote the work of the reengineering industry and to demonstrate its practical relevance to this field. The following tutorials will take place as part of this forum:
- E. Juergens, F. Deissenboeck, B. Hummel: "Code Clone Detection in Practice"
- J. Knodel: "Rapid ArchiTecture Evaluation (RATE)"
- R. Koschke: "Stopping Software Erosion with Static Analysis"
- H. Sneed: "The Automatic Transformation of COBOL and PLI programs in Java"
The CSMR 2011 proceedings will be published in IEEE Digital Library.
- Technical Research Papers
- Workshop Proposals
- Industrial Papers
- Doctoral Symposium Papers
- European Project Papers
- Conference Topics
- Submission Particulars
A flyer providing general
information and submission particulars is
available for download:
Technical Research Papers
Research papers (10 pages) should describe original and significant work in the research and practice of software maintenance, evolution, reengineering and renovation. Theoretical results, case studies, tool development, empirical research and experiments are particularly welcome. It is also encouraged to submit short papers (4 pages) presenting novel, interesting or thought-provoking research ideas.
All papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. All papers and reviews are accessible to all PC members (exempt those reporting a conflict of interest) to facilitate a comprehensive and open minded online decision on paper acceptance.
Full paper submissions, not exceeding 10 pages, or short papers, not exceeding 4 pages, conforming to the IEEE 8.5" x 11" two-column format, should be uploaded electronically in PDF format via the CSMR submission site until October 22, 2010. To accelerate the review process submitting paper abstracts not later than October 15, 2010 is highly appreciated.
The best technical paper at CSMR 2011 will be awarded by the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Working Group Software Evolution. |
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Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper to the CSMR 2011 Special Issue at Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice. |
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For further details contact your program chairs Yiannis Kanellopoulos and Tom Mens.
Workshop Proposals
Proposals for half-day or full-day workshops related to the themes of the main conference are solicited. Proposals should include the names and affiliations of the organizers, a description of the topic, the intended audience, and the proposed format of the session.
Workshop proposals, not exceeding 2 pages, conforming to the IEEE 8.5" x 11" two-column format, should be uploaded electronically in PDF format via the CSMR submission site until October 1, 2010.
For further details contact your workshop chair Volker Riediger.
Industrial Papers
The industry track papers should discuss industrial practice, collaboration between industry and academia, and experience reports describing problems (and their solutions) encountered in real applications.
Industry track papers, not exceeding 4 pages, conforming to the IEEE 8.5" x 11" two-column format, should be uploaded electronically in PDF format via the CSMR submission site until November 12, 2010.
Industrial Track Program Committee
- Cristian Ghezzi - Freelance Software Engineer, Italy
- Andreas Gregoriades - European University Cyprus, Cyprus
- Anthony Karageorgos = Technological Educational Institutions of Larissa, Greece
- John E. Kinchen - IBM Hursley, United Kingdom
- Ioannis Kotsiopoulos - DATAMED SA, Greece
- Andrew Mohan – British Computer Society, United Kingdom
- Pedro Sampaio = Manchester Business School, United Kingdom
- Martin Ward - De Montfort University, United Kingdom
- Apostolos Zarras - University of Ioannina, Greece
For further details contact your industrial track chair Christos Tjortjis.
Doctoral Symposium Papers
The doctoral symposium offers PhD students the opportunity to present and discuss their topics with renowned researchers and practitioners. We solicit submissions and participations from ongoing PhDs having settled the dissertation topic and defined the research agenda. The submissions should clearly state the following points:
- Research question: What is the scientific problem addressed? Why is it not solved by the state of the art?
- Solution idea: How is the problem solved? What results were already achieved? What are the expected advantages of the solution idea?
- Validation: What are the research hypotheses? What is the plan to validate them? Which empirical methods will be applied?
- Action plan: What are the next steps on the research agenda to accomplish the PhD goals?
Doctoral symposium proposals, not exceeding 4 pages, conforming to the IEEE 8.5" x 11" two-column format, should be uploaded electronically in PDF format via the CSMR submission site until November 12, 2010.
For further details contact your doctoral symposium chair Jens Knodel.
European Project Papers
The European Projects track provides an opportunity for researchers involved in ongoing or recently completed European research projects (both national and international) related to the themes of the conference to disseminate the objectives, deliverables, or outcome of these projects. At the same time, it allows the CSMR participants to get a better insight into the research projects currently carried out in Europe within the fields of software maintenance and reengineering. The submissions should clearly indicate:
- The name and acronym of the project.
- The source and amount of funding.
- The list of participants (with names and affiliations) involved in the project.
- The status and duration of the project.
- Description of goals of the project.
- Description of the achievements or outcome of the project (if the project is already in a sufficiently advanced state to have such deliverables).
- Detailed explanation of the relevance of the project (or one of its work packages) to the themes of the CSMR conference.
- References to related work or related projects.
European projects papers, not exceeding 4 pages, conforming to the IEEE 8.5" x 11" two-column format, should be uploaded electronically in PDF format via the CSMR submission site until November 12, 2010.
European Projects Track Program Committee
- Cornelia Boldyreff, University of East London, UK
- Liz Burd, University of Durham, UK
- Giuseppe Di Lucca, University of Sannio, Italy
- Fausto Fasano, UNiversity of Molise, Italy
- Carmine Gravino, University of Salerno, Italy
- Jane Hayes, University of Kentucky, USA
- Rainer Koschke, University of Bremen, Germany
- Leon Moonen, Simula, Norway
- Rocco Oliveto, University of Salerno, Italy
- Martin Pinzger, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Giuseppe Scanniello, University of Basilicata, Italy
- Dennis Smith, Software Engineering Institute, USA
For further details contact your European track chair Andrea De Lucia.
Conference Topics (non exclusive)
For all types of solicited submissions, the topic should be of direct interest to the maintenance and reengineering community. A non-limitative list of such topics is given below:
- Tools, formalisms and methods supporting the evolution of software systems, software architectures and software models.
- Methods and techniques to assess, enable, improve and certify maintainability and evolvability of software intensive systems.
- Techniques and approaches for software analysis, comprehension, and reconstruction.
- Process models for software maintenance, reengineering, and evolution.
- Experience reports on maintenance and reengineering of large-scale systems.
- Empirical studies in software reengineering, maintenance, evolution and renovation.
- Evaluation, assessment and benchmarks of reverse engineering and reengineering tools.
- Education-related issues to evolution, maintenance and reengineering.
- Language support for software maintenance and evolution.
- Migration and evolution in emerging paradigms (SOA, cloud, AOP, multi-core computing and the like).
Submission Particulars (Summary)
Submitted articles should not have been published previously, or have been submitted for publication elsewhere. All submissions will be reviewed by at least three program committee members and should adhere to the IEEE 8.5" x 11" two-column format. Please ensure to use the current IEEE styles, which were updated recently. Submissions should be uploaded electronically in PDF format via the CSMR submission sites: